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The nexus of energy and environment, where sustainability meets innovation!

The School of Energy and Environmental Systems (SEES) aims to study energy and the environment, and how they are interlinked. The aim of this school is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address the challenges facing the energy and environment sector. The objectives of the School of Energy and Environment are as follows:

  1. To provide high-quality education: The school aims to provide students with a high-quality education that prepares them for a career in the energy and environment sector. This includes both theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as hands-on experience through internships and research projects.

  2. To promote research and innovation: The school aims to promote research and innovation in the field of energy and the environment. This includes conducting cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges facing the sector, as well as developing new technologies and solutions that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.

  3. To foster collaboration: The school aims to foster collaboration between academia, industry, and government to address the complex challenges facing the energy and environment sector. This includes partnering with industry to develop practical solutions to real-world problems, as well as collaborating with government agencies to develop policies that promote sustainability.

  4. To promote sustainability: The school aims to promote sustainability by developing and promoting sustainable energy solutions and technologies. This includes promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy storage technologies, as well as promoting sustainable development practices.

  5. To prepare students for leadership roles: The school aims to prepare students for leadership roles in the energy and environment sector. This includes providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to become agents of change and to drive innovation in the sector.

In summary, the School of Energy and Environmental Systems aims to provide high-quality education, promote research and innovation, foster collaboration, promote sustainability, and prepare students for leadership roles in the energy and environment sector.

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Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Girinagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India 411025

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